Neal Childs – President
Neal Childs moved with his family to Nigeria when he was 11 years old. He returned to the US to attend Oral Roberts University where he got his degree in Management Information Systems in 1989 – the same year he married Danette. He worked as a systems engineer for 9 years, while serving as youth pastor at their church in Michigan before moving to Little Rock, AR to attend Agape School of World Evangelism. They were sent with their family to Niger from Agape Missionary Alliance in 1998. There, Neal has served as president of Vie Abondante, (Abundant Life) a national church planting ministry, since 2007. In 2013, while in Niger, they founded RUN International (Reaching Unreached Nations). Neal is passionate about reaching the unreached through discipling new believers and training pastors. Neal & Danette have been married for 29 years and have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
Danette Childs – Vice-President 
Danette Childs grew up in Minnesota, a severe contrast to where she is now serving. (Niger is in the Sahara Desert!) She graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1988 with a degree in Social Work. She met Neal at ORU and they were married in 1989. She worked as a vocational therapist before becoming a full time mom and youth pastor with Neal. She graduated from Agape School of World Evangelism in Little Rock, AR in 1997 and moved with her family to serve in Niger in 1998. There she works alongside Neal in the Bible schools, children’s ministry and village outreaches. In 2013 she co-founded RUN International (RUN) with her husband. They have 3 children and 4 grandchildren – whom she’s passionate about seeing as often as possible (even if only on FaceTime).
Patti Schatzmann – Secretary
Patti graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1989 and her Husband Dave in 1988. Patti has been an OB nurse for the last 33 years and has enjoyed serving women in this capacity. Last year, after “sending” missionaries for 35 years, God called Dave and Patti to fulfill the Great Commission full time. They are serving in Micronesia as missionaries with Assemblies of God. They are excited about the call and they firmly believe that you are never too young or too old to be used by God. They have served on short term mission trips and in 2018, Patti spent two weeks in Niger with Neal and Danette ministering to women. Patti’s time in Niger confirmed what she already knew-the work that RUN is doing is changing lives in the nation of Niger. Dave and Patti are proud to partner with Neal and Danette and Patti is honored to be on their board.
Jack Coldren – Board Member
Jack Coldren, is president of Jack & Sharolyn Coldren Ministries, RTF Hope for Life Ministries and Jack’s Famous Salsa. He has been married to Sharolyn for 46 years and they minister together in healing and freedom through Restoring the Foundations. He is a missions and church consultant, life coach and walks in a prophetic ministry. Jack & Sharolyn have 3 adult children and 5 amazing grandchildren.
Steve Miner – Board Member
Steve Miner is the Senior Pastor at Cornerstone Christian Center in Antioch, California. He has had the privilege of leading over a dozen mission teams all around the world. His passion is to see people find freedom in Christ and walk in their purpose. Steve and his wife Maria are both graduates of Oral Roberts University and have been married since 1989. They have 5 children and 1 grandson.